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The Root of the Matter Artwork


A podcast sponsored by UPL North America

Join veteran farm broadcaster Ken Root as he invites some of the brightest minds in agriculture to an open conversation about topics that affect your operation, your livelihood and your future.

Staying on top of agriculture's latest trends and developments is a full-time job. From the growing role of technology in farming to the challenges of sustainability, weed and disease resistance, commodity prices, trade imbalances and changing weather patterns, we'll explore these issues and more with in-depth conversations and solutions from some of the leading experts in agriculture.



Ken Root has been an agricultural journalist for 46 years. As a broadcaster, Ken may best be known as the original host of AgriTalk, a daily talk show focused on all aspects of farming. From 2010-2013 he served as Farm Director for WHO-TV and from 2005-2010 as the lead farm broadcaster for WHO Radio. Since 1998, Ken has written a weekly column for the High Plains Journal, exploring agricultural issues of past and present generations. Ken is also an Agri-Pulse contributor, in addition to his work as a well-known public speaker and emcee.

As a reporter, Ken has traveled to over 30 countries, including the Soviet Union, China, Brazil, Turkey and Iraq. He has been part of the international press corps of two U.S. Secretaries of Agriculture: John Block and Mike Johanns.

Ken has twice won the top reporting award in farm broadcasting, the Oscar in Agriculture, and was named “Farm Broadcaster of the Year” by the National Association of Farm Broadcasting. Ken also served as Executive Director of the National AgriChemical Retailers Association and as the Executive Director of the National Association of Farm Broadcasting.


UPL is a global provider of sustainable agriculture products and solutions with annual revenue exceeding $5 billion. As one of the top five agriculture solutions companies worldwide, our robust portfolio consists of innovative biologicals and traditional crop protection solutions that reach more than 90% of the world’s food basket.

Through our OpenAg® initiative, we’re challenging the world’s food systems — opening up new partnerships, new markets and new technologies to transform agriculture and create sustainable growth for all.