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Protect Your Field to Maximize Your Yield

Date: 19 Apr 2021 | Author: UPL

Tags: corn soybeans Yield

If there’s one thing both corn and soybean growers have in common, it’s their quest to achieve higher yields. However, that is easier said than done. Each season, environmental factors — from weather to pest pressures — can chip away at a crop’s potential.

Brian Battles, UPL Territory Sales Manager, wants growers to know that there’s a wealth of crop protection options for them to consider. To get the maximum results from your investment, he says that it’s important to keep crop protection a top priority in the new season.

“It’s critical to be using the right products at the right rates. Skipping label-recommended applications can be costly. It’s a hard thing for growers to justify spending money to make more money, especially when the market price is low. However, skipping application creates opportunities for disease, insect and weed pressures that they will have to deal with for upcoming seasons,” explains Battles.

UPL offers a variety of advanced products and customized solutions to meet the needs of each grower, so there’s no need to skip an application. The expanded portfolio of proven fungicides, insecticides and herbicides delivers exceptional performance and value. Growers of corn and soybeans can be confident in the broad portfolio of products to combat disease, insects and weeds in 2021.

ZOLERA® FX Fungicide combines two high-performance fungicides at full rates, which provides maximum performance and a consistent return on investment in corn and soybeans. Fast-acting and highly systemic strobilurin at full rate combined with a highly systemic triazole at full rate delivers more reliable and consistent performance, more robust disease control with both preventative and curative activity, and plant health benefits that help maximize the crop's yield potential. No other corn and soybean fungicide gives you a better ROI.

The proof is in the results. Studies and on-farm field trials showed that ZOLERA FX improved plant health and increased yields in both corn and soybeans.

Although Battles recommends a full, integrated program to control unwanted disease and weed pressures, he acknowledges that using one product is better than using none. “If a grower can’t afford a full crop protection program this year, they can still use one or two products to help them get through the year,” he says.

Growers are always battling pressures, and the threats can change over time. With the right tools in the toolbox, they can protect their crop investments and build healthier plants that create stronger yields.

Return on investment based on replicated studies and on-farm trial data. Results may vary depending on environmental conditions or other factors beyond our control.

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